Welcome to the team Kaz Campbell + "Warm Welcome" BMX Video

Welcome to the team Kaz Campbell + "Warm Welcome" BMX Video

Kaz Campbell is a full blown badass from the UK; when Kaz came to ACT Jam 2024, we finally got to meet him and hang out and we knew right away, this dude is the real deal.

Tyson Jones-Peni
ACT Jam 2023 Recap + Photo Gallery - Back Bone BMX

ACT Jam 2023 Recap + Photo Gallery

The biggest BMX event of the year in Australia is over for another year

It's been just over a month since ACT Jam 2023. It was the best one yet. Big trails, epic street course and a ripper video premiere of the top 8 videos...

Tyson Jones-Peni
New BMX Trails at Stromlo Forest Park, ready for ACT JAM 2023 - Back Bone BMX

New BMX Trails at Stromlo Forest Park, ready for ACT JAM 2023

An ELITE BMX dirt facility ready for ACT Jam 2023 November 10-12, which will stay at Stromlo Forest Park as a permanent fixture of the park, alongside a beginner BMX tabletop line....
Tyson Jones-Peni
Tagged: act jam trails
The annual Valley View BMX trails jam - Back Bone BMX

The annual Valley View BMX trails jam

..Will and his brother Chris have turned this jam into an annual, must go-to event. If you're lucky enough for the invite (and we consider ourselves lucky), you are treated to a fun set of BMX trails, that can be as tame as you like, or as fierce as it gets - thanks to Will's commitment to providing fun progression throughout the various lines....
Tyson Jones-Peni
Building an amazing indoor backyard bowl - Valley View jam 2021 video - Back Bone BMX

Building an amazing indoor backyard bowl - Valley View jam 2021 video

Above: Baxter Maiwald up in those rafters. Photo: Tyson JP You'd be hard pressed to find something more inspiring to watch than this video from the Valley View Jam in...
Tyson Jones-Peni
School holiday BMX coaching and more in Canberra - Back Bone BMX

School holiday BMX coaching and more in Canberra

As always, the school holiday BMX freestyle coaching is rolling again for the winter holidays! Check the flyer below for times and locations - and if you have any questions...
Tyson Jones-Peni
Jonny Mackellar BMX Video - A Week in Winter - Back Bone BMX

Jonny Mackellar BMX Video - A Week in Winter

We had the pleasure of hosting QLDer and Back Bone team rider Jon Mackellar over the first couple of weeks of winter here in Canberra. It was the sickest time!...
Tyson Jones-Peni
Legless as - Rhysty's 46th Birthday BMX trail jam - Back Bone BMX

Legless as - Rhysty's 46th Birthday BMX trail jam

We all got legless as on the weekend to celebrate Back Bone head honcho Rhysty's 46th birthday. Legless line at the trails is a fun one, that's for sure. Made...
Tyson Jones-Peni
The Best F***ing BMX video from the best F***ing dude - Jonny Mackellar - Back Bone BMX

The Best F***ing BMX video from the best F***ing dude - Jonny Mackellar

This video from S&M Bikes featuring our mate Jonny Mackellar is exactly the reason why BMX is so awesome. Jonny has been a source of inspiration for us for many years...
Tyson Jones-Peni
The best trails video in a while - S&M Bikes Dirt Rules video is awesome - Back Bone BMX

The best trails video in a while - S&M Bikes Dirt Rules video is awesome

It's hard to imagine a more fitting BMX video for this current climate than the recently released 'Dirt Rules' S&M Bikes flick. We've been in multiple lockdowns, skatepark closures, travel...
Tyson Jones-Peni
Tagged: S&M Bikes trails
History Lesson - Rhysty and Rusty ride POSH - Back Bone BMX

History Lesson - Rhysty and Rusty ride POSH

Buzzed out on this raw footage from 2003 featuring Rhysty (Rhys Williams) and Rusty (Russell Brindley) riding POSH that our mate Dan Hunt filmed that was recently uncovered and digitised....
Tyson Jones-Peni
Chris Harti hits Level 3 - Back Bone BMX

Chris Harti hits Level 3

We want to wish the trail building, shark-muscled legend and great friend Chris Harti a very Happy 30th Birthday today! It's been awesome to watch Chris go from a young...
Tyson Jones-Peni