ACT Jam 2022 Photo Gallery
ACT Jam 2022 was bananas!
Above: Corey Walsh was on fire all weekend.. whipped and then some. All photos Nick Gascoine.
The crew absolutely banded together to make it happen - if you haven't listened to the recap Back Bone Zone podcast episode then jump over there to hear it first hand.
With media coming out from all over the internet from Vans Australia and Vans BMX, as well as long time supporter Colony BMX, it's only fair to showcase some amazing shots that our good friend Nick Gascoine shot while documenting the event.
I think it'd be fair to say that it's been the most memorable ACT Jam event yet, thanks to all who braved the forecast and made it to Canberra believing that the jam was going ahead.
Big thanks to Vans, BentSpoke Brewing Co., NBD Constructions, Universal Ramps and Wethepeople for helping out as major partners this year. Epic.
We have an official video coming out later this week, so be on the lookout.
- Tyson

Josh Dove legitimately got told by the venue staff to not go so high because the roof can't handle it.. Into the rafters. High air winner.
Street ledge best trick, gap to X-Ride. Jimmah!
Not just for the pros, the next gen were in full force on the course, with some extra ramps to keep them busy when the course was occupied. Oscar, jumpin!
Luke Tooze came across from West Oz and ripped alllll weekend. Might've owned the 'most laps' award unofficially. Big giz on the big quarter.
Josh Clemens from Fast and Loose and Luke share the stoke.
Corey Walsh was putting on a show all weekend.. Fast and smooth, and whipped.
Speaking of shredding all weekend, it was awesome to have QLD's Jayden 'J Dogg' Fuller here again for another ACT Jam. He was straight up shredding! Big table.
Some of the girls BMX crew that were shredding over the weekend, enjoying post-ride Bentspokes and relishing in the stoke that is riding in front of a large crowd while it pours rain outside. Annie, Sarah and Sarah.
It seems very fitting that a Summernats shirt made an appearance.. This is the same venue that hosts the car event every year.
Another one of WA's finest, Shane Ellis made it across to the east coast and went higher and further than most. A contender in the high air and long jump.. Shane RIPS.
Young Jaxon has been coming to ACT jam since I think he was in single digits. He's 13 now and shreds harder than ever.
So incredible to watch Josh Dove ride - he made everything he did look too effortless. 360 one foot table (perfect Vans product placement too, haha)
I got to ride a bit both days, stoked to ride the best quarter ever for a few laps!
One banged 900/540 flair, Samual Grace givin' it some and living to tell the tale. So badass.
Ridiculous height air from Corey Walsh. 14ft above.
From memory, this was a keg off the limit on the long keg jump at ACT Jam. The fact that Josh Dove did a huge no hander over this length was INSANE. Corey and Josh battled it out and tied it up. It was crazy.
Push the landing back! Long jump helpers.
A relieved Josh Dove gets the love from the crowd after clearing the long jump.
Making memories with the Australian BMX scene - ACT Jam 2021 recap
ACT Jam started in the year 2000 by some BMXers who cared about the culture of BMX and wanted to see it flourish in Australia. It ran until 2005. We brought it back in 2013 because ACT Jam, and jams like it, are a big part - probably the biggest part - of why we have a BMX shop. We love BMX and we use the shop as a platform to grow the BMX scene and provide more of what we love.
It's amazing to see the support the Australian BMX scene shows with its attendance at each jam we run. The smiles and overall stoke-age that permeates throughout the crowd over the weekend gets us hyped. It's a party that the BMX scene attends year after year and we're damn grateful.
It was a shame to not have the international presence like we've had in previous years, but they'll be back once this current situation cleans itself up.
Day one was back at Weston Creek, the park was opened up for a lot more lines and transfers, as well as the 4 foot extension in the round bowl which definitely made for more speed and blast. Weston Creek local Tyrone Edwards went to the moon while Jonny Mackellar handplanted here, there and everywhere (he also tried a handplant 360 over the spine..).
The more open park meant that Jason Watts got the speed and ripped a 360 across legitimately the whole thing, it was insane - more insane in the fact that Jason did it twice. So gnarly.
Jason Watts, going bananas. Huge 360 transfer. Photo: Jack Gruber
Day Two was at Tuggeranong. The sun was belting down. The jam ran a few weeks earlier than normal to allow for better chance of warmer weather and it definitely paid off - it was balmy.
The build crew got a rad step up box jump going with a right hip that led into the park. This feature got a workout - there was a huge, revolving queue that never stopped the whole day. Liam Quinlivan AKA Quinny double backflipped the thing - not the first double backie Tuggeranong skatepark has seen (Shane Conlon tried one decades ago at a dirt comp beside the park), but certainly the first one landed! It was crazy.
Josh Dove also continued on his shred across the whole park, making things look all-too-easy. Hyped to see Cody Pollard blast anytime, but the vert ramp was getting a once over from the QLDer. Casual double digits, it was a sight to see.
Cody Pollard can blast. Photo: Jack Gruber
The final day at the BentSpoke Cannery was a beauty. Even though the BMX riding didn't start until 1pm, I personally thought it was really cool for the crowd to have insight into how this whole thing happens. There was a tight group of BMXers literally building and finishing the course, right in front of their eyes. It was my personal highlight of the day.
Once the ramps were finished and the droves of BMXers got a session, we kicked it off with a high jump over the box, that went into a best trick over the box. It was a real shootout with the high jump, Jason, Dovey and Chowgy (Ryan Saville) were all way up there, but Chowgy took top honours.
Alec Danelutti and Jonny Mack tied it up for best trick, Alec did a 360 oppo downside whip to tuck no hander (you know a trick is hard when it takes 8 words to type it out), while Jonny took the unique route and handplanted over it, which was nuts, to travel that distance so low with your hand off, sideways.
Jimmah getting crook. Photo: Jack Gruber
We moved onto the street slayer best trick, which was a shootout of rail moves that were all crazy. It was tough to give it to one person for one trick, so we gave it to one person for a plethora of tricks. Jimmah AKA James Pease did all sorts, x-up crooks, half barspin over pegs, x-up over crooks, as well as a bunch more. He got a pocket full of cash for his efforts.
Josh Dove clearing that BentSpoke case height pole.. Photo: Jack Gruber
The high air at the end of the day was pure BMX. Pedalling as fast as the space allowed at a 10 foot quarter was a sight to see. If you've seen the photos, there's a circular sticker on one of the cases that is 10 foot high.. There were a few riders knocking out 10 foot plus airs.
It came down to whoever could pedal the fastest and in the end, Josh Dove got wayyy up there.
Ranch Hand Premiere. Photo: Jack Gruber
After it was all said and done, we gave out a lot of cash to the riders and the young gun, the quiet shredder, Josh Dove, got crowned king of the ACT. That dude is a legend and a ripper. Plus, he's not yet 18! He hasn't even gotten his man strength yet - once he does the whole world will be chasing him to catch up on his skills.
We weren't even done there! B-Dog premiered the long awaited Ranch Hand video - it was a mammoth project that got a lot of people stoked. I'm sure it will be out in tangible copy form soon, so hold tight.
Award time with Rhysty and BentSpoke owner Richard.
Big thanks to the major sponsors who helped allow the jam to happen in such big way this year: BentSpoke, Vans Australia, Colony BMX, Cult Crew and Wethepeople.
Also the build crew who made the ramps happen in a big way, NBD, Hardwood Projects and Miner Projects, headed up by Universal Ramps front man Jason Watts (who got precisely 45 mins of sleep over the whole weekend). There's so many who helped out additionally, you know who you are and thank you.
The 2021 ACT Jam was about as hardcore BMX as it gets for an event. Riders building ramps, young and old riding, from all over Australia. If you were a part of it by simply taking the time to attending, thanks for coming and adding to the experience! If you weren't there, then there is always next year.
- Tyson
Aidan Rice was in attendance and put together this ripper of a video. Thanks Aidan!
Photos below by Jack Gruber!
Jason Watts, this is a lookback that happened AFTER he caught a decade. Decade-to-lookback. Insane.
Ryan Saville getting full Chowgy.
Cody Pollard tuckin & diving while Wilton Hedley cranks into the quarter.
Wilton Hedley, pull back or die.
Tyrone Edwards always making it look good.
Jonny Mackellar ripping the 360 nac nac.
Jason Watts going super large on the extension at Weston.
Dylan Steinhardt with the super heavy up wheels to barspin at BentSpoke.
270 back seat grab by the King of the ACT, Josh Dove.
Matt Green getting it done with the 360 over the rail.
It must be noted that this is an oppo air for Jason, and that he's awfully close to the top of the height pole. That's high..
ACT Jam 2021 Details
It's all here and finally we can share it with you. Stoked as!
The number one thing to do now is register to ride! This is through AusCycling and covers your insurance and public liability.
All riders must be registered to ride/take part in prize money and cannery event before Midnight Thursday April 1st.
Details for rider sign-up when creating profile in link below:
- Find the 'Open Now! Click to enter' button
- Fill out personal information
- Under 'Membership type / governing body, if you do not have an AusCycling membership, choose 'N/A'
- Under 'club' type 'Freestyle ACT BMX Club'
- Create Profile - non AusCycling members pay $15 for insurance, AusCycling members $5.
BentSpoke Brewing Co. & Back Bone BMX present ACT Jam 2021
Major Sponsors:
Build Crew:
With Support From:
April 2 – Weston Creek skatepark – 4pm start
The epic battle at Weston is back!
April 3 – Tuggeranong skatepark – 3pm
We loved Tuggers so much that it’s back for 2021. Expect some rad additions at this one to make it even more fun.
April 4 – BentSpoke Cannery, 79 Lysaght St Mitchell - 12pm start
We’re back at BentSpoke HQ with an even better ramp setup than ever. Expect a ‘Slay the Rails’ street event, as well as a killer ramp setup. We’re building the ultimate high air quarter, as well as the ultimate best trick box jump – so expect to see the heaviest moves go down here.
At the BentSpoke stop there will be serious cash prizes for:
- Best Trick
- Best whip (High jump on the box)
- High Air on the Vans 10ft quarter pipe
- Street Slayer ($1000)
- as well as a bunch more.
Best rider of the whole (long) weekend will be crowned King of the ACT and take home $2000 CASH.
Afterparty and Ranch Hand Video Premiere – BentSpoke Cannery, 79 Lysaght St Mitchell
After the riding is all said and done, we’ll have the awards ceremony and afterparty kicking off at the Cannery, with the long awaited Ranch Hand BMX video also being premiered by Brendan Boeck. Bands, Music, BMX. It’ll be a time!
Spectating is free at all stops, but will be capped at 500 people total including riders.
A COVID Safe Plan will be followed.