Welcome to the team Kaz Campbell + "Warm Welcome" BMX Video

Welcome to the team Kaz Campbell + "Warm Welcome" BMX Video

Kaz Campbell is a full blown badass from the UK; when Kaz came to ACT Jam 2024, we finally got to meet him and hang out and we knew right away, this dude is the real deal.

February 10, 2025 — Tyson Jones-Peni
ACT Jam 2023 Recap + Photo Gallery - Back Bone BMX

ACT Jam 2023 Recap + Photo Gallery

The biggest BMX event of the year in Australia is over for another year

It's been just over a month since ACT Jam 2023. It was the best one yet. Big trails, epic street course and a ripper video premiere of the top 8 videos...

December 16, 2023 — Tyson Jones-Peni
Watch Cult Corey Walsh BMX video 'Dysphoria' right now - Back Bone BMX

Watch Cult Corey Walsh BMX video 'Dysphoria' right now

You've probably heard a million times when reading about BMX videos, 'this is a must watch', but anything Corey is doing, you've just got to set aside some time to watch it - hopefully with a big screen, and the music turned up....
October 04, 2023 — Tyson Jones-Peni
Tags: bowl street
Dylan Lewis Mutiny PMA Bike Check (2023) - Back Bone BMX

Dylan Lewis Mutiny PMA Bike Check (2023)

We caught up for a sesh at Hoppers Crossing skatepark in Melbourne's western suburbs. A really fun park, but Dylan made it look all too easy.. Don't let your eyes deceive you, Hoppers Crossing is filled with some bigger, steeper transition!...
May 09, 2023 — Tyson Jones-Peni
Mid School BMX Jam at Rampfest Skatepark (Photo Gallery) - Back Bone BMX

Mid School BMX Jam at Rampfest Skatepark (Photo Gallery)

I tripped down for the weekend to Melbourne to visit the Rampfest indoor skatepark and take part in the mid school BMX jam that was organised by Kris Degenhardt for riders 35 years and older.

It was a beast of a jam, with so many of my childhood local heroes in one place.

It was really special to see a lot of these riders still shredding, with some of them riding so damn good they could've taken out a modern day pro comp.

We all rode deep into the night and the skatepark was filled with awesome vibes from start to finish.

Thanks to Kris for organising, Rampfest for hosting and all the riders who attended and got me stoked.

Enjoy the photos and if you're nearing the 30+ mark, then know there's plenty of light at this end of the tunnel.

- Tyson

mick bayzand bmx

Teddy! Rampfest's employee of the year (my words) Mick Bayzand stepping them over.

mick bayzand bmx

Teddy going downside pegs into the resi.

360 whip

chocco dave camilleri bmx seatgrabchocco fastplant

julian rocha no foot can

julian rocha bmx 360 turndown

paul robertson bmx walltap

quinny bmx superman

quinny bmx nac nac

Liam 'Quinny' Quinlivan isn't close to being 35+, but he was doing tricks that represented the mid school so I had to shoot some photos. Superman and nac nac with some modern flare.


May 03, 2023 — Tyson Jones-Peni
Daylight Savings BMX Jam Photo Gallery & Recap - Back Bone BMX

Daylight Savings BMX Jam Photo Gallery & Recap

It's officially the end of daylight savings, but we held a jam to send it off properly. An awesome turn out from riders all up and down the east coast. Crew from up in QLD, Newcastle, Sydney, Dubbo and more, all made it to Weston Creek skatepark for an afternoon of good times on BMX bikes.

We gave away some awesome prizes, thanks to our sponsors Eclat, Fast and Loose, Colony (and us! Haha).

Riders young and old killed it all arvo, I shot some photos. Thanks to everyone who came and had a smile on their face - I've been reminded a lot lately that BMX is about good times with your mates - Saturday at Weston Creek was exactly that.

- Tyson

Big thanks to Shane Darwin from the Seen Co for filming this raw cut vid!

BMX Canberra at weston creek skatepark

Spot the stoked kid! Some of the crew at Weston Creek.

jyelan federal bmx canberra

Jyelan rode sick all day, really unique style and no chain or sprocket!

harrison fuller tempered bmx canberra

Harrison Fuller ripping and whipping, down from QLD for the weekend.

ben mcmillan bsd bmx australia

Benny McMillan kung fu slickin.

arthur birbilopoulos bmx table canberra

Arthur Birbilopoulos folding one over at height on the nicest paint job of the day.

mylee toohey bmx australia

Young Mylee Toohey just got back from 3 weeks up on the Gold Coast riding and competing. She is shredding lately and more importantly, is stoked on BMX.

tyson jones peni 360 bmx wethepeople australia

I did some riding, too. 360 over the spine. Photo: Brendan Boeck

dermo no foot can bmx weston creek

Dermo was full of gnarly tricks all weekend, like this topside no foot can can.

sasha kiselev bmx table canberra

Sasha is only 11 years old and rides with style and maturity beyond his years.

chris kerr bmx toboggan australia

Chris Kerr makes everything look awesome on a bike. Case in point.

harrison fuller tempered bmx australia

Harrison Fuller with the back seat grab.

dermo x up bmx weston creek

Dermo twisting it up.

danny stevenson wethepeople bmx australia

Danny Stevenson, absolutely cranked lookback, way up there.

sasha jackson bmx table australia

The two young guns, Sasha Kiselev and Jackson Presbury, worked hard to get these tables synched up and laid over at the right time.

April 04, 2023 — Tyson Jones-Peni
End of Daylight Savings Jam and a farewell jam coming up - Back Bone BMX

End of Daylight Savings Jam and a farewell jam coming up

Summer just finished up, although it's still as warm as ever here - we're going to be holding an end of daylight savings jam to squeeze every bit of juice out of the long, warm days while it lasts.

end of daylight savings bmx jam canberra

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BMX JAM: Weston skatepark, April 1st. 4pm - Late.

Plenty of different prizes up for grabs from a lot of epic sponsors, start planning your trip to Canberra!

While on the jam subject, one of our long time supporters and mates, Liam O'Connell, has a farewell jam on next Friday at Gungahlin. It's gonna be a fun one, make sure you get there!

canberra bmx jam

March 03, 2023 — Tyson Jones-Peni
Tags: bowl jam
Building an amazing indoor backyard bowl - Valley View jam 2021 video - Back Bone BMX

Building an amazing indoor backyard bowl - Valley View jam 2021 video

Above: Baxter Maiwald up in those rafters. Photo: Tyson JP

You'd be hard pressed to find something more inspiring to watch than this video from the Valley View Jam in 2021.

Will Kerr has built a yearly jam that has happened since 2008 into something that has evolved into him and his brother Chris creating one of the most badass scenes in Australia. They've evolved the trails in their parents backyard to include some savage 30 foot sets and 10 foot lips. Over the years, Will has bought his own place with his partner Helen and what started off as a humble shed, has evolved into one of the best indoor setups I've ever seen.

Built with the homies AKA the stayers, Will's bowl is next level - a true display of the DIY ethic taken to the next level.

Valley View 2021 was captured by none other than James Fox and the jam focused on getting the shed and the trails to the next level. 

This video captures one hell of a vibe - the grin is ear to ear on this one for sure.

Watch it and get stoked to maybe, one day, built your own backyard paradise.

August 02, 2022 — Tyson Jones-Peni
School holiday BMX coaching and more in Canberra - Back Bone BMX

School holiday BMX coaching and more in Canberra

As always, the school holiday BMX freestyle coaching is rolling again for the winter holidays! Check the flyer below for times and locations - and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us via the text app in the bottom right of our site.


  • Mondays @ Gungahlin skatepark
  • Wednesdays @ Belconnen skatepark
  • Fridays @ Weston Creek skatepark


  • 9am - 10am: Foundation (beginner level)
  • 10am - 11am: Improver (level 2)


  • $20 (cash payable on the day)

school holiday bmx coaching canberra

We also spent a bit of time creating this guide to riding BMX in Canberra. We are pretty excited to have made this video. Canberra is an amazing place to ride and everything is so close - we literally travelled all across Canberra to many of the parks in one day.

When looking for fun things to do in Canberra for kids, riding BMX has got to be up there as one of the best things to do.. it's free, it's physical activity, it's a positive community. What's not to love!?

Those who are new to BMX in Canberra wouldn't know there is so many different spots to ride, so if you love the video, please share it around.

Bonus inside knowledge: For the Youtube thumbnail, Tyson got to ride our portable box jump out the front of Parliament House, as he was helping ex-BMX Olympian Caroline Buchanan with the box jump for a photoshoot she was doing. Tyson got two jumps in on the box, to show Caroline the speed needed to clear it, before he was shut down by the Federal Police.

Turns out Caroline had strict clearance for riding out the front of Parliament House, but definitely not Tyson.. Once in a lifetime opportunity!

Tyson BMX Canberra Parliament House

The YouTube thumbnail was the first jump, this no hander from Tyson was the second jump at Parliament House in Canberra, before he was shut down..

July 04, 2022 — Tyson Jones-Peni