It's officially the end of daylight savings, but we held a jam to send it off properly. An awesome turn out from riders all up and down the east coast. Crew from up in QLD, Newcastle, Sydney, Dubbo and more, all made it to Weston Creek skatepark for an afternoon of good times on BMX bikes.
We gave away some awesome prizes, thanks to our sponsors Eclat, Fast and Loose, Colony (and us! Haha).
Riders young and old killed it all arvo, I shot some photos. Thanks to everyone who came and had a smile on their face - I've been reminded a lot lately that BMX is about good times with your mates - Saturday at Weston Creek was exactly that.
- Tyson
Big thanks to Shane Darwin from the Seen Co for filming this raw cut vid!
Spot the stoked kid! Some of the crew at Weston Creek.
Jyelan rode sick all day, really unique style and no chain or sprocket!
Harrison Fuller ripping and whipping, down from QLD for the weekend.
Benny McMillan kung fu slickin.
Arthur Birbilopoulos folding one over at height on the nicest paint job of the day.
Young Mylee Toohey just got back from 3 weeks up on the Gold Coast riding and competing. She is shredding lately and more importantly, is stoked on BMX.
I did some riding, too. 360 over the spine. Photo: Brendan Boeck
Dermo was full of gnarly tricks all weekend, like this topside no foot can can.
Sasha is only 11 years old and rides with style and maturity beyond his years.
Chris Kerr makes everything look awesome on a bike. Case in point.
Harrison Fuller with the back seat grab.
Dermo twisting it up.
Danny Stevenson, absolutely cranked lookback, way up there.
The two young guns, Sasha Kiselev and Jackson Presbury, worked hard to get these tables synched up and laid over at the right time.