The 3 most iconic BMX tabletops of all time
There's little debate on the most iconic trick of all time on a BMX.. It's the tabletop.
I wanted to share 3 of my favourite tabletops of all time, these came from videos that I watched over and over... and over, again.
All from different times in BMX, but these 3 tabletops had the most impact on me and I still think about them to this day.
These days, the best tabletops are ridiculously good, riders like Benn Pigot, Larry Edgar, J Dogg and Matt Cordova are just a few that come to mind; but I just had to share 3 that were the most impactful of all time.
Tricks continue to evolve and get increasingly difficult - real life BMX is beating video games in trick difficulty at this point - but there is something that will never stop being special about a tabletop. Even Logan Martin can fold and hold with the best of them.
The tabletop is one of the first tricks we try to learn and it will be the trick every BMX rider will continue to be stoked on for the rest of time.
The tabletop is BMX. Go fold one!
- Tyson
Stauffer's got plenty to offer! His is the first tabletop I think of when I think 'How to do a tabletop on a BMX'. Amazing.
Justin Inman with the best 360 table of all time? From Fitbikeco's Fit Life video
The iconic Ruben table from T-1's You Get What You Get.
Will Gunn is my honourable mention; still gets me so stoked to see him lay one over every time.

Building an amazing indoor backyard bowl - Valley View jam 2021 video
Above: Baxter Maiwald up in those rafters. Photo: Tyson JP
You'd be hard pressed to find something more inspiring to watch than this video from the Valley View Jam in 2021.
Will Kerr has built a yearly jam that has happened since 2008 into something that has evolved into him and his brother Chris creating one of the most badass scenes in Australia. They've evolved the trails in their parents backyard to include some savage 30 foot sets and 10 foot lips. Over the years, Will has bought his own place with his partner Helen and what started off as a humble shed, has evolved into one of the best indoor setups I've ever seen.
Built with the homies AKA the stayers, Will's bowl is next level - a true display of the DIY ethic taken to the next level.
Valley View 2021 was captured by none other than James Fox and the jam focused on getting the shed and the trails to the next level.
This video captures one hell of a vibe - the grin is ear to ear on this one for sure.
Watch it and get stoked to maybe, one day, built your own backyard paradise.
Bowl roaming south of the border (Video)
Bowls just keep getting built all over, and it's our duty to get there to ride them! The boys Danny Stevenson, Will Gunn and Arthur Birbilopoulos got out on the last weekend of Autumn and headed south to Albury to ride the new park and bowl there. This kicked off a whole weekend of bowl roaming, which saw them head down into Victoria, where they got a taste for a lotta 'crete, including an amazing DIY spot.
They came back with some epic footage and Danny edited it up quick smart, which is what you see below.
We have a few exciting things planned for the near future, so be sure to keep an eye out for your next roadtrip.. Coming up late July!
See you then. But for now - watch the vid!
Legless as - Rhysty's 46th Birthday BMX trail jam
We all got legless as on the weekend to celebrate Back Bone head honcho Rhysty's 46th birthday. Legless line at the trails is a fun one, that's for sure.
Made even more fun with some laps for the birthday trail boss!
Shout out to the homies who dig at the trails.
Filmed/edited by Tyson Jones-Peni
A weekend in Jindabyne (YAS Series Final)
The Youth Adventure Series has been a journey. When have you ever seen an 11 stop skatepark competition? Not for a long time - if ever. We travelled all across the Snowy Monaro region over the last couple of months, but the final of the whole series found us at Jindabyne skatepark over the weekend.
There was a massive turnout, and in between MCing the event, I was able to get a few photos of some ripping riding from a few of the Back Bone locals.
I've got my fingers and toes crossed for next year's event!
Big thanks to the Snowy Monaro Regional Council for making it happen.
- Tyson
12 & Under Boys:
- 3rd Place: Josh Scarth
- 2nd Place: Liam Baillie
- 1st Place: Aleksander Kiselev
12 & Under Girls:
- 1st Place: Sophie Nicki
17 & Under Boys:
- 3rd Place: Josh Brusensky Webb
- 2nd Place: Vincenzo Mercuri
- 1st Place: Xavier Jirava
17 & Under Girls:
- 2nd Place: Mylee Toohey
- 1st Place: Sarah Nicki
Open Men:
- 3rd Place: Arthur Birbilopoulos
- 2nd Place: Mitch Austin
- 1st Place: Will Gunn
Mitch Austin can crank a lookback! Photo: Tyson JP
Young Liam Baillie ripping the deep end. Photo: Tyson JP
Sasha Kiselev has his table airs dialled. Deep end ripping into 1st place for the 12 & Under boys. Photo: Tyson JP
The deep end at Jindabyne got a work out, here's Sarah Nicki poppin out. Photo: Tyson JP
None higher than Will Gunn, who tore the place to shreds. 1st Place. Photo: Tyson JP
The Hellsworth Trip (NSW skateparks are best out west)
Above: The crew who journeyed to the central west, at Tamworth skatepark (with a few locals in the line up as well!)
I love when riders are industrious about making things happen. It's no secret that we are big fans of building and maintaining BMX - and I think an important part of that is trips to places to ride with other BMXers.
But why? What makes it important?
One answer is, it gets you out of your bubble. It makes you realise that there is more to what life is (on a BMX bike, or not), than just your current circumstances.
You learn that there are people everywhere, living different lives - and in the case of BMX - riding and experiencing BMX through a different lens. And you get to be a part of this when you're on the road.
This sounds obvious, but sometimes we get so caught up in what we have in front of us that breaking out and going somewhere new and different can be refreshing, for both you, and the riders you meet across your travels.
The park that riders are graced with in their local area, or the lack of riders, or the proximity to other spots - is all something you can feel and experience for a short while when you're in a new town.
But you know what, there's more to it than just that..
Bar Beach skatepark, lit up - thanks to the locals. Talk about seeing things in a new light. Photo: Karl Cottrell
Another reason is, riders that choose to go on these trips form closer bonds and better friendships than ever.
The comradery that forms on trips like the one that we just went on is legendary. Nothing but encouragement and great times along the way.
But the final reason, and certainly just as important..
Will 'Keys to the City' Gunn had to buy a bigger keyring on the trip.. He's the owner of a few new 'keys to the city' after the way he tore each park to pieces. Tamworth transfer. Photo: Tyson JP
Riding new places is the like being thrown back into the baby pool of riding. When you arrive at a new spot or skatepark, you have to figure out a line, the transition, what works and what doesn't.
Sure, there might be transitions that are smoother than others, but the learning experience is what makes it really special. The challenge of the unknown and the ability to adapt. I'd prefer to figure out how to ride a new spot, even if it's less than ideal, and your level of riding is down a notch or two from how you ride your local.
Every park and spot we went to on the trip was different - in a good way. We rode a lot of big transitions and each of them was fun, and challenging.
We even rode a wallride in the middle of nowhere that was by no means perfect, but it was worth it, just to add a new riding experience to your belt.
The great thing is, the riding crew you are with is doing the same thing. Not to mention, you are learning off the locals and forming new relationships with them. The phrase 'feeding off each other' is never more appropriate than when on a trip.
Chowgy (AKA Ryan Saville) adapted to everything at full throttle. This wallride was no exception. The bank was steep and the bottom was more than kinked, but he made it look good all the same. Photo: Tyson JP
The NSW skateparks just keep getting better and better in the central and north west. Tamworth skatepark is one of the best I've ridden in a long time - 24 hour lights, deep transitions - and many more lines to still be discovered. Very recommended.
At the start I said I love when riders are industrious.. Our 'Hellsworth' trip was spurred on by Arthur Birbilopoulos and Danny Stevenson, so big shout out to those guys for rounding up a crew to shred with. A recommendation to all looking to make their own fun - if you're looking for a trip, all it takes is creating an instagram group with riders and mates you want to ride with. Arthur and Danny took the initiative and it turned into one hell of a memory for all of us.
Almost everyone packed the 'Rebellion' tee we made on the trip and coincidentally a lot of us we wearing it on our visit to the Golden Guitar in Tamworth. 'Gang' photo..
Truthfully, there's plenty more than 3 reasons why you got to get on the road with your friends in the name of BMX. It's definitely a reminder of why BMX is so hard to explain to people who don't do it (one of the conversations that was had on this trip).
Trips like this cement BMX as a lifestyle and the more people that live that BMX lifestyle, the better off BMX will be.
Thanks a lot to Karl Cottrell and Brendan Boeck for the additional photos you can see below - can't wait to get on the road again.
- Tyson
Danny Stevenson stepping on through at Bar Beach. Photo: Tyson JP
This quarter is deep.. Dylan Lewis excels in the deep. Big ol' air in Tamworth. Photo: Karl Cottrell
Dermo can crank a one handed x-up like it ain't no thing! Last stop of the trip, Millthorpe skatepark. Photo: Tyson JP
Sarah Mitchell hitting the oververt in the capsule at Millthorpe. Photo: Tyson JP
Jye is a part of the Hambone crew and was popping the sickest toboggan fakies at Bar Beach. Stoked to get a roll with the Hambone homies! Photo: Tyson JP
Arthur has some of the nicest tables around. Folded at Tamworth. Photo: Karl Cottrell
We arrived at Dubbo just before dark and got a few laps, but the next day was a little windy.. But the park is too good to pass up a ride on. Tyson JP x-up. Photo: Brendan Boeck
Dylan Lewis has the most casual airing style considering how high he goes.. It just looks so damn effortless. Then when the turndown is cranked, it's mindblowing. Huge at Wellington skatepark. Photo: Brendan Boeck
Will Gunn, upside down at Dubbo. This is mind boggling! Photo: Tyson JP
Valley View Trail Camp 2020
Above: Harley Nowakowski took the most laps award on the weekend. Tipping it over to start the line.
If you're talking long running jams across Australia, there are few places that have been running jams as regularly, and for as long, as the Valley View trails in Young, NSW.
Will and Chris Kerr have been looking after the trail scene in the cherry-picking capital of Australia for over ten years, with yearly jams running for just as long.
Perhaps just as, or if not more, exciting as the jams has been watching the evolution of Valley View; with every jam comes new additions to the trails - Will and Chris have done a stellar job at shovelling mods that keep you on your toes year-after-year.
2020 has brought about some life-changing worldwide events.. But it was very comforting to see the Corona reigns loosen just enough to get some well needed BMX riding in - especially for the majority who travelled from interstate to be there.
It was a full trail camp in Young for 4 days, that's for certain.
One special shout out goes to (our latest Canberra local) Harley Nowakowski, who took the most laps of all, but unfortunately went down hard and is currently recovering in hospital from a severe concussion - but is looking to make a full recovery. Certified helmets save lives! FYI, Harley was shredding on the weekend!
Thanks as always to the Kerr bros for making it happen this year and every year, there's nothing quite like a long weekend spent at the trails. To see Valley View and the subsequent jams come from humble beginnings, to what it is now, is incredible.
Enjoy the photos from just some of the badassery that happened below.
- Tyson
Chris Kerr showing you how good a nac nac can look over a 30ft set.. Photo: Tyson JP
Russell Brindley dropping the foot off through Borders line. Photo: Tyson JP
The van life was real at the trails over the weekend and Jonny Mackellar's van was the poster child for them all. Weexy, James Fox and Jonny kickin' it. Photo: Tyson JP
Weexy celebrated his birthday by juicin' 30 footers and getting radical! You're a legend Weex! Photo: Tyson JP
Harley was tearing the Two Hips line a new one all day.. You better believe this one foot x-up got laid over into a one foot euro before he landed. Stoked to see you on the mend Harley! Photo: Tyson JP
Jonny Mack has the perfect mix. He does the gnarliest stuff, done ever-so-casually, with a style all his own - all while hootin' and hollerin' & a smile on his face. It makes you want to ride, that's for sure. 360 table on the 30fter. Photo: Tyson JP
What did I say about casual with a style all his own? Jonny Mack in his element. Photo: Tyson JP
Sun peaking through the clouds and Russ Brindley soaking up the hangtime with a picturesque turndown. Photo: Tyson JP
I shot this, looked at my camera & couldn't believe that Chris Harti could get in a position so dipped, over a 30ft set. So rad. Photo: Tyson JP
Will Gunn. I don't know how to describe how Will rides except 'badass'. Big old toboggan. Photo: Tyson JP
Harti hit the limiter on this jump. This was full throttle, powerband type stuff. Photo: Tyson JP
Will Gunn, the master of loft.. This one foot seatgrab table was EPIC. Photo: Tyson JP
Summer Bowls Trip Video & Photos
Danny Stevenson lived up to his name on this trip. Full weaponhead status in Bondi deep end. Photo: Tyson JP
The quest for riding concrete bowls never ends.
We took a trip up the coast with not too much of an itinerary, except to ride some parks we hadn't before, as well as get a better session at some that we had. The NSW coast offers up some ridiculously good concrete skateparks, but we had bowls in mind - hopefully some with some deep transition.
We definitely got a good serving of them.
We also got to plan our trip around heading to the Blake Butterfield memorial jam that took place on the Saturday evening at Thornleigh skatepark. We've been helping Brodie Butterfield out with prizes for the jam in his brother's honour since the beginning, so it was great to make attendance this year.
There was an amazing turnout of riders and it was awesome to put faces to names of customers who have supported the store over the years. It's such a buzz to watch riders you don't know absolutely rip their local park to shreds.
Hayden Burr AKA the Sydney Haydos took home the best rider award, stoked to help with his swag of gear for his efforts. Thanks for the support mate!
Haydos with the spine tailwhip at Thornleigh! Photo: Tyson JP
Haydos with his well deserved 'best rider' prizes. Photo: Tyson JP
We ended up at Bar Beach bowl in Newcastle for our final day. After 3 full days of riding in the sun, the crew was toasted, but the allure of the bowl was far too much to stay in the shade. We took our final laps and got a really good last session in before packing the van for the trip home.
If there's one recommendation to leave you to ponder on, it's this.
Get out there and ride different spots.
Riding new parks, with different layouts and even feeling different transitions under your wheels is a pretty unique experience. Obviously there's the feeling that comes with mastering your local park, but the feeling of being on alien turf can be exciting and challenging, all at once.
By no means did we conquer parks, but it's a cool feeling to know that there's plenty of places to take you out of your comfort zone, and make you excited to ride, that are waiting everywhere.
It also is nice to experience what works, and what doesn't - so that if the chance arises that you can make something in your own town, you have experience to draw on.
We pulled the camera out a lot on this trip, hope you enjoy the video and photos and they get you psyched for your own trip somewhere!
- Tyson
Russ going scenic with this epic table at Bar Beach. Photo: Tyson JP
Bobby got that pop! Way up there at Bateau Bay. Photo: Tyson JP
Tyrone Edwards making it look all too effortless at Bondi bowl. Photo: Tyson JP
Sydney legend Dermo twisted down at Thornleigh. Photo: Tyson JP
Weaponhead with the weapon shred lookback at Bar Beach. Photo: Tyson JP
Will Gunn, proper 360 table over the spine at Thornleigh. Photo: Tyson JP
Here it is, don't even try. The best table ever. Benn Pigot at Thornleigh. Photo: Tyson JP
Shop trading hours over the holidays (and a few unseen photos)
Have you got one of our new BMX Island tees that Tyson is modelling yet?
The year is coming to a close.. Here's our trading hours for our retail shop.
It's a busy time of year and we're currently winding down our retail shop opening hours before we break for Christmas. Today (23/12) we're open until 5.30pm, then tomorrow (Christmas Eve 24/12) we're open 10am - 3pm.
And then we close the shop until the 6th of January!
Don't fret though..
There's plenty left for us to do during the time the shop is closed, namely taking care of sending out orders and emails.
So if you are placing orders in between 24/12 - 6/1 we'll be doing our best to get them out in a timely manner.
Now you've read the important stuff, here's a few photos we have been sitting on for a while..
Will Gunn dipping it over the channel at Belconnen. Photo: Tyson JP
Russell Brindley getting whipped on the Hut jump, Snails. Photo: Tyson JP.
Tyson Jones-Peni with a 360 x-up on the rarely spun hut jump at Snails. Photo: Karl Cottrell