Danny Stevenson lived up to his name on this trip. Full weaponhead status in Bondi deep end. Photo: Tyson JP
The quest for riding concrete bowls never ends.
We took a trip up the coast with not too much of an itinerary, except to ride some parks we hadn't before, as well as get a better session at some that we had. The NSW coast offers up some ridiculously good concrete skateparks, but we had bowls in mind - hopefully some with some deep transition.
We definitely got a good serving of them.
We also got to plan our trip around heading to the Blake Butterfield memorial jam that took place on the Saturday evening at Thornleigh skatepark. We've been helping Brodie Butterfield out with prizes for the jam in his brother's honour since the beginning, so it was great to make attendance this year.
There was an amazing turnout of riders and it was awesome to put faces to names of customers who have supported the store over the years. It's such a buzz to watch riders you don't know absolutely rip their local park to shreds.
Hayden Burr AKA the Sydney Haydos took home the best rider award, stoked to help with his swag of gear for his efforts. Thanks for the support mate!
Haydos with the spine tailwhip at Thornleigh! Photo: Tyson JP
Haydos with his well deserved 'best rider' prizes. Photo: Tyson JP
We ended up at Bar Beach bowl in Newcastle for our final day. After 3 full days of riding in the sun, the crew was toasted, but the allure of the bowl was far too much to stay in the shade. We took our final laps and got a really good last session in before packing the van for the trip home.
If there's one recommendation to leave you to ponder on, it's this.
Get out there and ride different spots.
Riding new parks, with different layouts and even feeling different transitions under your wheels is a pretty unique experience. Obviously there's the feeling that comes with mastering your local park, but the feeling of being on alien turf can be exciting and challenging, all at once.
By no means did we conquer parks, but it's a cool feeling to know that there's plenty of places to take you out of your comfort zone, and make you excited to ride, that are waiting everywhere.
It also is nice to experience what works, and what doesn't - so that if the chance arises that you can make something in your own town, you have experience to draw on.
We pulled the camera out a lot on this trip, hope you enjoy the video and photos and they get you psyched for your own trip somewhere!
- Tyson
Russ going scenic with this epic table at Bar Beach. Photo: Tyson JP
Bobby got that pop! Way up there at Bateau Bay. Photo: Tyson JP
Tyrone Edwards making it look all too effortless at Bondi bowl. Photo: Tyson JP
Sydney legend Dermo twisted down at Thornleigh. Photo: Tyson JP
Weaponhead with the weapon shred lookback at Bar Beach. Photo: Tyson JP
Will Gunn, proper 360 table over the spine at Thornleigh. Photo: Tyson JP
Here it is, don't even try. The best table ever. Benn Pigot at Thornleigh. Photo: Tyson JP