Will Kerr has been putting on jams at the Kerr residence trails, Valley View, since.. 2007? Maybe 2008? That's a long time.

Will and his brother Chris have turned this jam into an annual, must go-to event. If you're lucky enough for the invite (and we consider ourselves lucky), you are treated to a fun set of BMX trails, that can be as tame as you like, or as fierce as it gets - thanks to Will's commitment to providing fun progression throughout the various lines. 

I still maintain that the 'Dirty 30' line is one of the most intimidating lines I've ridden. You stare down a right hand, 90 degree berm, that has a half a metre tall extension lip jutting out halfway around it. If you dare to follow the groove off that lip, you are finding yourself jumping 25 foot plus at an angle that doesn't make sense. Yet, trust the groove, and you'll find yourself right in the center of the landing.. Heading at a lip, going as fast as you'll find yourself going all day, that is sending you 30 foot on the infamous 'Dirty 30' jump. All that speed and you wish you could have more, though, as after the 30 footer is a 90 degree right hand hip, with a 9 foot tall take off, sits in front of you. Don't cut it!

Will and the crew rebuilt the big hip lip in one day, so it was running a little slower than hoped, yet grooves were still laid into it and yet another epic weekend of riding BMX bikes and having a bunch of fun was had.

The Stayers were also treated to the new Fast and Loose BMX video premiere, Magnetar. I will say right now that this video may have just edged into the top 5 BMX videos of all time for me. It sits right in the same vibe as the T-1 video 'You Get What You Get', which was/is an important video for BMX, as it captured a vibe and the culture of BMX in it's road-less-traveled vibes, in tandem with amazing riding. The new Fast and Loose video feels just like that and you will be in for a treat if you get your hands on a copy.

Brendan Boeck and I took some photos of the weekend at Valley View Trails. As always, thanks to the Kerr's for the hospitality. Always leaving on a high from there.

- Tyson

Arthur B table BMX trails

chocco x up

chris kerr one foot euro

chris kerr nac nac

dermo pegs tractor

jake first hip

julian lookback

danny stevenson bmx trails

arthur b table trails

will kerr turndown

jake nac nac

jake dugdell can can

harrison fuller bmx 360

julien rocha bmx trails

tyson jones-peni bmx trails

raine turnbull 22 inch bmx trails

tyson jones peni bmx trails tiregrab

tom boorman hell on wheels bmx trails

will kerr bmx trails ruben


Tyson Jones-Peni