If you've walked into Back Bone in the last ten years, more than likely you've had Tyson Jones-Peni say g'day or spotted him behind the computer. Tyson has been a fixture of the Canberra scene since he moved here in 2005 and now after working at the shop for ten years, has recently become co-owner along with good mate and Back Bone creator Rhysty, moving into the new shop in Belco.
Despite them both being flat out getting their heads around doing a shop fit out and being on the other side of town, Tyson hasn't slowed down in riding any. He just got back from having a hell of a time at the Vans BMX bowl comp in Manly and has been catching laps at just about anywhere! Read on to find out what gets him psyched.
Catching some breaths after catching some air. Colin Mackay photo.
(Photo captions by Tyson)
Places on the bike:
- The Canberra trail triad (Hillfire, Snails, Wamboin)
- Posh
- Civic skatepark
- Concrete with a deep end and nothing under 6ft
Places off the bike:
- Home
- Inner Northeast Melbourne
- At the trails when it's overcast and kinda cold, after it's rained the day before
- Back Bone
The Vans bowl checks the 'concrete with a deep end' box as a top five for me. Something that has to be 'worked out' when you ride it is a good time. Colin Mackay photo.
Songs to ride to:
- Relentess - Pentagram (we're all on a Pentagram kick at the moment..)
- Black Diamond - The Replacements
- The Hammer - Motorhead
- Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd
- Rally Round The Drum - Paul Kelly and the Stormwater Boys
Songs to hang to:
- Unsatisfied - The Replacements
- To Be Young - Ryan Adams
- Don't Swallow the Cap - The National
- Telly - James Maloney and the Mad Dog Harrisons
- Better Days - Graham Nash
More than happy to ride just this line at the trails, all the time. Tom O'Reilly photo.
Bike parts:
- United TRU frame
- ODI O Grips
- United Indirect tires
- Tree hubs
- Eclat Bondi rims
Whipping from quarter to quarter during the Vans pro cup. Colin Mackay photo.
- Riders that build stuff get me stoked
- My friends
- People that are having fun when they ride
- Those who ride fast with power
- Brian Foster
360 euro at the Snail. The top of this line is so good, minimal flat bottom and poppy. Sick to have such a different style of jumps to ride compared to Hillfire. Brendan Boeck photo.
BMX memories:
- Walking into Posh for the first time
- Last Hush jam
- Red Bull Dirt Pipe the last year it was on. Rode it for an hour, then it rained for 3 days straight. It would've been awesome to ride it more as it was insane to ride but it certainly felt like a BMX reunion for the next couple of days.
- Watching This Is United premiere at the S&M warehouse in Cali, standing next to Ian Morris while he was showing people his video was a spin out.
- Riding T-1, so glad I was able to experience that.
Gunning had a hip in the park that was real fun. Zac Miner photo.